We went to Lakewood last weekend and I found a few vintage treasures.

Some delicious homespun fabrics and a cow came home with me.
The definition of homespun fabric is fabric made at home; fibers spun and/or woven at home. Synonyms include plain, unpolished, unsophisticated, simple, rustic. Well, those words fit the life I love.

The simplicity of design is part of their appeal, I think.
The wear and the stains in these fabrics speak to me of people who used them in their everyday life.
These homespun fabrics were in Shelbys collection. Shelbys son and daughter-in-law were delighted to sell them to me, seeing that I appreciated these pieces of history as Shelby had. I didnt know Shelby, but I like her.

Who else do you know who would delight in finding that the vintage fabric they bought was patched? I was thrilled to discover this more stories in the cloth.

And, this worn French tea towel came home with me, too. Look at those vibrant stripes after washing a gazillion times!

I came home with more than the fabrics I bought, though. I always find ideas to send my brain spinning doors, buckets, buttons, even a beekeeper .
I’ve written about visits to Lakewood before: The button lady post is here. Why I love beekeepers is here. And another cow is here.