During the five months that weve been staying at home, Ive had time to explore new things.

Ive used my camera a lot, learning more about it, and even adding to the equipment inventory. When we first learned that we were elderly and in the high risk group for Covid-19, I started sendng a morning photo greeting to our girls via text message. Just a pretty way to say to them, the old folks are fine, so they could get on with their day without worrying about us. I used my phone at first, learning new photo and editing capabilities.

Then there were things the phone didnt capture as well as I wanted, so I pulled out the digital mirrorless camera and learned more about it.

When I needed a faster lens, or more reach for some of my subjects, I needed a better zoom lens.

Looking through the lens of a camera changes things. Im not much of a gardener, but I needed to know the names of the plants I was photographing – because at least one of three recipients of these messages would ask. And, distractions in the background werent good, so I pulled more weeds than I ever have before. Who knew that such a simple act was so transformative?

Simple things are transformative in the sewing room, too. Ive used this time at home to explore more stitching opportunities, too. Ive finished several traditonal UFOs (and now I realize I need to photograph those), explored ways to include vintage linens in different projects, and reread many of the quilting books on my shelves.

Though I could have done all this at any time, theres something about not having plans to go anywhere, not having deadlines to meet, that is liberating. I do miss seeing my quilting friends at guild and I miss teaching classes, but without those obligations, Im enjoying researching new aspects of my own creativity.